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Systematically very impressive. I like that you actually built a little town which you can kinda explore and visit the different locations. Once I got into the combat then it kinda felt like an idle game kinda thing, I wish there was a bit more in the combat but it's still impressive thinking about the code in the background. I think had the game a bit more time to be fleshed out it'd have been really something special, it's still pretty impressive in it's current state though. Nice work!

Thanks man! I decided to do an AI based game to challenge my programming chops and let me tell you, I was really challenged. That AI alone took 5 days(about 3-5hours per day) and it was still buggy in the end. Still, I learned a lot on how I will structure my code on future games. About the combat, I wanted to put more into it but the AI programming slap me in the face and said no.