Warning: These are optional ideas if the developers run out of 'em (Probably won't be happening in the next 3 years lolol)
1.) Red Tie
Category: Perk
Design: Red n' Blue diagonal pattern tie (Black is optional)
How it works: 50% chance for enemies to not notice you. (Damaging them will make them attack you. Stunning them will not work though.)
Once still noticed, every 5 seconds, the chance output will increase by 5%. Once reaching half 5 sec (2.5 sec) the effect will try again
and the process will repeat until 100% comes in. Respawning enemies like Jeff Bezos still can be affected by this but will start as 35%
for bosses and mini-bosses.
2.) Tradesmen
Category: Perk
Design: None
How it works: Every kill on a normal enemy will give you 1p of EXP. This ramps up to 2 when killing an assassin (A.K.A. the outside elevator dudes)
Ramps up to 10 when killing bosses
2.5.) Pet Menu
Category: Menu
Design: Standard menu design mixed with a pet-like design and pet selection (Find pets on the next ideas)
How it works: The menu will serve as a pet menu in which found pets, pets finsihed using tasks, and obtaining pets through maxed out moves or in
perks (finding pets in perks will have a 1% chance of happening) will appear and can be used repeatedly. (A.K.A. always)Plus, you
can name your pets always. Note that it will start with the original name. You can also store pet names and find them by pressing N on
the menu. The pets will also be the size of the normal player's head (Big head Excluded). Most pets cannot be damaged unless they
are specific pets. You can heal them using your self-healing moves and water jugs.
3 pt 1.) Clip
Category: Move
Design: A clip
How it works: Will stun enemies (same amount of time as the glue gun) Clip has infinite ammo
3 pt 2.) Bear Trap
Category: Move
Design: Looks like a Bear Trap
How it works: has 7 bullets. It will stay there for 1 minute and when not activated, will dissapear. When an enemy steps on it, the enemy will remain
there and can't do anything. The Bear Trap will continuously damage the enemy by 1dmg every 10 seconds and become re-usuable
once again repeating what I just said. The Player cannot interrupt the process by hitting either the victim ot the Bear Trap. Same goes
with bosses. The duration of this upgrade doing what it does can range from 30s to 3m.
3 pt 3.) Chomper (Any optional name)
Category: Pet
Design: Looks like the chomper from SM64 with no eyes but spiky teeth and an open mouth.
How it works: The Chomper stuns the enemy and damages the enemy by 2. Multiple enemies up to 3 can still work for the Chomper. 25% chance to
Crit the dmg by 10. The stun time will be 10 seconds before releasing the enemy.
3.5.) Taskbar
Category: Task Menu
Design: A building in the street map that upon entering it will have bar-like shaped objects with the tasks inside those bar-like shapes.
How it works: Completing a task in-game will open a bar saying that you completed the task. you can turn the option off before starting the game
(The starting setting with a big START button). Going to the Taskbar, the tasks both completed and non- completed tasks will appear.
The completed tasks will be Green and non completed be Black and White. Once you press the ENTER key on your keyboard or the
enter key 4 your console (idk if you can play da game in console), you will get things like new accessories, pets, moves, classes, and
3.75.) Modes
Category: Creativity Using
Design: Comes in the Street as a building for thsese modes (Map Making mode will be for the "Start a company" building)
Map Making Mode, Co-op Bot mode, Vs mode, Parkour mode (This will be in the map making mode for testing the map)
So uhhh, I dont wanna be late for the next update after the big one so, here's the Pt.1 for you devs to get some ideas on and put your arms to work
if you guys are bored so, uhh yeah. Ultra-big fan!
- The underaged kid who has an itch io account named "LofiHyperHipHop" Because he's a chill person to some extent.
Sorry for taking you guys by storm with these ideas. I kinda wanted to add the accessories as a full on option but my eyes are having imaginary dots on my eyez that hurt.
Many thanks if you acknowledge this Devs!