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(1 edit)

Well, it's almost over... The game jam, that is...

Congratulations to everyone that participated in this jam, and even more respect to the ones that managed to submit their game entries! xD Good luck to you in the competition :D

I won't submit my entry (it's still a very initial prototype), but I will continue developing the Nekosuki project. I'll soon (maybe during the weekend) publish the game's page and post more devlogs there, to keep you all informed of the project's state. :)

I didn't complete any playable prototype during the jam's duration, but I can say that during this month I made some important steps in finally starting this personal project, even if my game's development progress is still at the very beginning. I gathered useful resources and learned many things that I feel sharpened my coding skills. I'm very grateful for the extra motivation this jam gave me.

And so, bye bye for now! Sorry I hadn't uploaded any playable prototype, but I'll try to amend that soon... Stay tuned! ;p