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So I installed 0.28.1 for Android, however it seems to have an issue when I go to start the game. It gets to the renpy load screen before the main menu and then it just shuts down. Any news on a bug for android not allowing it to get past this point? Really love this game and wanna continue but can't sadly!


can confirm also. brand new samsung s22, latest os. crashes after loading screen. damn.

Yesterday hotfix 29.2 came out, where the problem was fixed. Thank you for understanding!


I read your last comment and this one and want to ask. Is there some kind of error when the game crashes? 

there was not. However I got it to work. Thank you for getting back to me promptly! Great game!

mind sharing how you got it to work on android? was enjoying this game for a bit on mac. although i have no interest in the russian guy. just want tentacle action. breakfast is fun.

(1 edit)

I uninstalled the game for 30 mins. Cleared my files, re downloaded and installed. It worked after that.


We have a new update coming out today. If the crush occurs again, please let us know. Thank you in advance.

Yesterday hotfix 29.2 came out, where the problem was fixed. Thank you for understanding!


ohh thank you! That's awesome