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Super good game so far! I got stuck where everyone else did, but I can see the potential! Pretty well polished as is.

There’s not much to critique here either. I had issues changing to/from the cat with the right trigger on my game pad, like it was registering too many taps or something. But that’s about it. The character controlled well, but the ground speed seemed a bit slow. And I would have liked to be able to gain health more regularly. But these aren’t big issues - or maybe not even issue at all.

So far the level is well laid out and interesting and there’s a good variety of enemies too. But could there be more to do in the game? Add currency to collect and spend on upgrades! Like a snazzy new wand with a longer range? Or ruby slippers that allow players to teleport back to a safe place of their choosing?

And what’s up with that witch with the orange ball attack? Is there a story here? Will there be a showdown at the end? Or are they frenemies? Story, no matter how bare, would help this game I think.

We would love to know what you think would help our game be better! So, if you would, please try it out and let us know what you think in the submission comments! Thanks!