hhhhhhh probably but unlikely since we're celebrating a bday
so probably Saturday or Sunday
i got the rarest cosmetic in the game
the guy overpayed a WHOLEEE lot for spova
he even added claws
nice, try trading for wispy scr
btw you still have sp ova or you traded it?
i traded it
and some dudes offering stw + 2 claws + 3 hw scythes
so another overpay
lets go
so basically what you're doing:
1. get offer for sp ova
2. accept offer if overpay
3. trade for sp ova again but add less and make it a fair or slight overpay trade
4. repeat
no but kinda yes
pls hop on yba bruhhh
yo i actually might be able to just got finished with my aunts bday party and we goin my grandmas house
ur server full
also which
its unob
yooooo nice