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(1 edit)

Game playlist:

A Crane's Gratitude is a short and sweet game you can play around an hour or more depending on reading speed about a lovely story between two people, one wishes to give gratitude and one wishes to help others, both are very, very lonely. Then, they found each other. A simple but straightforward and earnest story.

I like that it's loosely based on a folklore but also presents an original part of that folklore. Also, the story gives us either a bold or a shy dynamic between the two protagonists and I find that very charming. I either love bold Fuyuri or the other assertive gentleman there, and their interactions are so very cute! Even if there is an epilogue after the main story, it leaves me wanting for more of that cuteness.

One thing I have to wonder is about the ways of interaction between the protagonists. The interactions are indeed cute, but there is a somewhat blend between bold/assertive and shy/passive, so it's a bit confusing to track whether Fuyuri is bold or if she is assertive, something like that. I think the different epilogue would be based on those interactions, or something else?

Either way, great game, and I would love to try other games you may make in the future!