Your genuine question was riddled with sarcasm, whether you're going to admit that or not. The game IS FREE to play, and will always be FREE to play - Patreon subscriptions are there primarily to help fund a FREE to play game, and provide people with consistent progress updates and supplementary content - such as the Selfie sets.
If you were a £4 Patreon Supporter you should have been well aware with the current update progress, as there have been several posts in regards to it. We are very transparent with how each update progresses - whether that be on our public Twitter pages, Discord server or Patreon.
The amount of hours we put into this game is beyond the normal hours for a normal day job. The planning, writing, CG creation- it's all done with a very small team of 3 people, two of which have day jobs too. Game creation takes a lot of time, especially if you give a shit about the content you're making and want to release a quality product.
We thank you for your support up to this point, and hopefully you understand the process a little bit better and know where you can find updates on the game progression in future.