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I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. I can guess this is some kind of RTS command-the-units game? But there are no instructions explaining how to play so I had to guess. Consistently had a glitch where the cubes in the top/left lane would run back to home base and then run to the enemy, and the enemy team never spawned.

Yep we really ran into a time crunch and had one of our team members  had some personal matters come up and lost a good chunk of time. The idea was that it would be a sort of "Clash Royale" game where the players would buy cubes, circles, triangles and send them off to do geometric battle....but we had some last minute rush and this is what we got done. Thank you very much for giving it a go.

Yeah, I had the same issue losing all of friday to my work schedule. Still sounds like a cool concept I would like to try out if you all decide to keep working on this after the jam!