Help, I recently started playing this yesterday and the first route I entered was Siri’s (ended up heartbroken in the end of course) but then I heard you can get Siri’s good ending after getting Eleni’s secret/good ending. Did both of her secret and good endings right after getting Siri’s Success(?) ending then did Siri’s route all over again to get the supposed good ending, but I still ended up getting his success (?) ending. Does he have no hidden or good ending?
Oh RIGHT I LOVE THIS GAME, I played it for maybe 5 hours yesterday (taking my time of course) and today I’m just trying to get Siri’s endings. I love the art and the designs of all the characters! They’re all unique in their own way, and I especially love the story (Bugbears jumpscare made me so scared though when i got it at random💀)