Great game, finished it in two nights, didn't really care for the art style at first, with all the character having big ears, but it did grow on me and eventually I started to like it a lot. I did kind of get a bit concern when I reached the first ending I guess you call it, do to it steering a little bit too close of justifying suicide to me, with the whole everyone is better off with me and then showing everyone (seemly) being happier because of it. Though once I got to act 2 those worries did disappear. Also was wondering how many acts you plan to have.
djfadklfja thank you very much!! 😍 And thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Lol you aren't the first to say similar things about the art style 🤣 I honestly think it's the biggest turn-off for this game. I'm glad you ended up liking it more eventually though 💕
Mrmrmrmrm, yeah, Arc 1 finishes on a very low, concerning note, I think mostly because I need to pick Iggy back up and get him to grow and develop leading into Arc 5 (with the arcs in between helping him reach that point). Well, at least that's my goal. Whether I'm successful in accomplishing that by the time this is all over, I'll leave up to the players to decide 😅
There will be five total arcs! So there will be one more "middle" arc (Arc 4), followed by the final arc (Arc 5).