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Hey there!
Nice little game, good job on submitting a fully working game :)

What I liked:

  • the simple yet effective and very readable art style
  • the animations of drumming, like "wooh!" :D
  • in the "music" part: the multiple paths with easier/harder parts depending on where you go. It makes failing a jump not an immediate game over but gives a harder time to win

Here are the few things that could be improved in my opinion:

  • the platforming part is quite slow: a stronger gravity would give a more "punchy" gameplay!
  • the feedback when you get hit in the "music" part is too light, I sometimes did not realize I had only one life yet :(
  • while this is a true hybrid game due to the two different game types, it would have been interesting to "mix" them more, instead of having two completely separate worlds

That's all for me! Good luck with the ratings ;)