(possible spoiler warning)
Oh dear gods... this is one of the best games I've played in ages, please keep doing what you're doing, the art is simple and wonderfully atmospheric, and I can't remember detailed pixel art this good in a story heavy game. Its fairly short compared to most other visual novels but you've packed so much character development into it that I allready want to hug every single kid there and GODS DAMN IT MAXWELL IF YOU HURT SAM JAMIE OR ANY OF THE OTHER KIDS AGAIN I WILL RIP WHATEVER SERVES AS YOUR ENTRAILS OUT WITH MY- ... ahem, excuse me, got carried away for a sec. Seriously though, if I wasn't so dehydrated right now I would have cried at the end. I should get some water or somthing. Anywayinshortthisgameisamazingifyou'rereadingthisandhavemoney throwitatthesegoodgameproducingentitiesweneedmoreinclusivegamesalsoJamieisawesomedidImentionjamieisawesome(She'sawesome)MAXWELLIFYOUHURTJAMIEI'LLFEEDYOUYOURSPLEEN-ok water and stopping typing times now you're all amazing <3