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Argh... I made an account just to comment here. Why is there so few of you talking about Flynn??? I need some explanations and someone to talk of this with.


Did he really just die? Like really really dead? Why though?! I'm crying right now because I just can't accept it. Flynn's route is the first one I played and cleared. Yes, he seemed like a total asshole but starting his route and getting to know him at the beginning, I found out that he wouldn't really hurt his friends no matter how mad he is. He's such a lovable guy!!! And well... He is sooo hot too ya know. I liked the idea of him towering above me. But did we really just top him? I was shocked at that moment. But back to my rant... Why did we have to condemn him??? Why can't we just defend him and stay with him? I started his route because I fell in love with him. But then I'm forced to see some other guy named Carl the Ram take him? There's no option of staying in a relationship with him and it sucks. I can't stand seeing him with Carl and feeling his thoughts of wanting to protect Carl instead of me(Chase). And near the end... I still can't get over the feeling of helplessness over his situation. Apparently, I'm supposed to stay with Leo and let Flynn deal with his problems alone. I keep on hoping that Chase will appear at the Smoke Room and keep him company. To get through all this BS together and letting Flynn know he's not alone, I'm here for him. But no!!! Flynn dealt with all those sh!t by himself. Where the h3ll was Chase!!! At the mines, why was it Daxton and Carl there for him? Why not Chase? Why did we have to hate each other? Why can't we be there for each other? Why stay with Leo? Just WHY do we have to condemn him and lie to make him look like such an evil person. Why did we make him seem like a rapist, someone who will manipulate others for his own sake and satisfaction? I never wanted to do that! I didn't even think of such things coming out of my mouth so why? 

Well, that's pretty much all I have to say. Is it finally over? No more updates to the story? Are we getting a happy ending for Flynn? Or is that really it? Somehow I'm thinking that we won't get it and that's just really sad. 

Everything I've said doesn't mean I hated the story though! I loved it and I plan to finish all routes. Definitely a great game to pass the time and think about every night before going to sleep. That's all, bye!


I think his death is the price for learning the truth (like maybe the evil spirit decided to show him the truth, but only for his soul in return)

(1 edit) (+9)

Because the truth mustn't get out. Without spoiling other routes, I just finished Flynn's route as my last and I have my own theory as to why certain things happened, keeping things in the realms of solely this route. It definitely is the most confusing route without the proper prior knowledge (still is when you've played through everything lol), so I hope to be clear when I try for an explanation:

1. Why Chase condemned Flynn: You can see that there is this "voice" in Chase's head (by the different font), that feels like a completely different person. You will learn more about this the more you play. Keeping with the whole "the truth mustn't get out" theme, this voice/entity sees that TJ was about to tell the truth to everyone, hence, it takes over Chase and seizes an opportunity to distract everyone and shift their focus to Flynn as it condemns him. This is why Chase acted so out of character in that scene when he's been nothing but horny back to Flynn the past days, because it wasn't Chase.

2. Why Daxton & Carl were there: If you remember the detail there wasn't a gate around the real Smoke Room (which Flynn points out explicitly), This is him entering the mine, because the mine DID have a gate (more like rebar but whatever), and it was actually on fire even before the hysteria. Daxton and Carl follows Flynn into the mine to try to get him out, but simultaneously Flynn is having this creepy conversation with Sydney (again, getting really into it). Seeing the worsening condition of the heat inside, and then Flynn suddenly screaming at them both, they abandon him in fear of their own lives. 

My ending explanation: Flynn wanted the truth, then the entity let him see the literal entire truth, every single killing/murder in Echo in brief flashes, from the fox hanging, to Brian's van, and finally Syd, and probably many more that they "all blur together". Yet, he doesn't even see who killed Sydney as his eyes pop. The truth mustn't get out, after all, as the entity toys with him and wins. In the final scene, in Jenna's closet, young Jenna asks if he is real. Flynn, having spent the entire route finding the truth and finally seeing it, denies both its existence, and even himself, as he had destroyed himself in his search for the truth, both physically and mentally, in pure disbelief and regret.

Flynn route ending is... weird, confusing and sad...

I want to rescue Flynn from... that!

Although I also always feel bad for Leo...