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(2 edits) (+1)

I really enjoyed this! I got both endings.

Some stuff I thought about while playing:

- I like that there's a whole house to explore. Love all the scattered objects, really makes the place look lived in and gives a little insignt into the player character

- You can sit on the bench! I liked that your sprite changes when you press directions. Love little details like that :D

- The panoramas are gorgeous! I espcially liked the one with the bridge and the sparkly water. Also, great use of parallax scrolling throughout the game, like the dark forest and outside of the house's windows. Really breathes life into the enviroments.

- The sorta JRPGish town is a unqiue approach (for a ynfg). It makes the world feel more coherent, but also provides a stark contrast to the much more surreal areas.

- Oh god, the wake up animation when using the Lycanthrope effect caught me off guard! Was not expecting that lmao

- I liked that you told a wordless, but less subtle (more overt? I dunno how to word it) story than other ynfgs. I caught on to the Gender Stuff going on. Yeah, very nicely done with the enviromental story telling (the toilet literally being unusable was so on the nose it made me laugh, but I love it as a symbol of frustration/incompatibility with the gender dichotomy) and the metaphor of bestial/other vs human/socially acceptable.

- If there's any complaints I have is that I heard a few stock RPGM sound effects, which was jarring when everything else was so well crafted. But this is coming from the viewpoint of someone who has spent way too much time around these default assets to your mileage may vary lol

Anyway, fantastic entry. Short, but didn't drag at all and I was interested in finding all the areas and interactables, which is more than I can say for some games. Nice job :D


thank you so so much for such a thoughtful response! 💖💖💖 and I totally get the aversion to stock RPGM sounds - it was mostly a matter of wanting to focus time and effort on other things, I might phase more of them out in future updates haha