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My main gripe with these sort of games is that its like its trying to be some over elaborate simulator or something, but it doesn't come across as fun. It's like something that NASA would hire someone to make and its like an "educational" game or something. 

The menus are hard to navigate. There is a lot of information and text to read. It seems like there are a lot of technical details. 

All I did was drive my rover over to some blue crystal and grab it then I ran out of battery and couldn't go back to the base. At that point, I just turned off the console. No, for real, I'm playing on real hardware with an SD2SNES and I turned that mofo off. 

It would be nice if once you ran out of battery it just slowed down your speed of your rover, but if you can't move then what is the point of the game, seriously. 

I appreciate the attempt and it seemed interesting, but it was hard to understand and it was not "pick up and play". Not user friendly and way over-complicated to the point where I didn't even want to learn how to play it.