Mind control is fun to read/watch/play.
It's not as fun to write tho, specially if you're the type of writer that tries to prioritise stories and character interactions.
There's many people asking for more usage of the other powers, more options, but making paths that branch too much would not only take a lot of time, but also would be a royal pain in the nuts to juggle.
I would personally like to see events where you use the powers even less. But in some stories the decision seems more like a "do or die" and others could work without but they would take an enormous amount of time to acomplish.
I don't know, would it be worth it to have more meaningless choices?
And golly yes, the lady of the lake, the sword.
But who knows, maybe in act 3? Maybe not, considering she's just an optional explore event?
Maybe it's a plotpoint for one of the planned sequels that are going to use the same universe (but not the same protagonist)?
Questions, questions, questions.
Arc will probably give a better answer, but I just felt like writing.