Is it okay that I go through other threads just for Dean's reaction? Maybe I don't want him to be very jealous, but still very interesting. Too much scope in relations with him. Everyone already seems to think that Dave is obliged to be with him, simply because he does not want to refuse him and somehow hurt his feelings. For example, what if Dave preferred that for the first time, they didn’t go under his tail, but that he did it. And in Dean's case, it's like we have to be on the bottom because of our size. Is it possible to call relations with him canonical - perhaps. But should one adhere to the canon - no. Therefore, probably for me, the relationship with Roswell is still more attractive, for whom feelings are more important. In general, Tyson is partly right about his relationship with Dean. I'm not sure what he thinks first. (At the moment, only 9 days have passed, due to lack of knowledge of the English language, so I don’t know much)