This is cool. I generated HASTUR'S BLASTERS, a Legion of Marines that fled the People's Republic of Betelgeuse after a palace coup they supported failed.
They survived the destruction of the rebel forces because their transport crashed on a planet in the Antares sector, and pursuing loyalist forces didn't thoroughly check the surface. With their cause seemingly lost, they commandeered the first merchant vessel to stop in the area, and turned mercenary.
Their specialty is boarding and capturing hostile warships and spacestations. Standard tactics are to blow holes in enemy defenses with salvos of missiles, which they use to enter, and then use plasma weapons to wreck the inside of the target.
They are known for the their discipline, fighting even to the death, and for carrying old rebellion banners into combat with them. They particularly seek contracts that will allow them to fight against the PRB. Most of their recruits are actually PRB prisoners who they convince to join them via unknown means.