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I played the game and I definitelly recognized ELIZA's influence. In some responses more than in others, but it's there.

There is an interesting discussion about differences and similarities between parser IF and chatbots in Jeremy Douglass' disertation "Command Lines: Aesthetics and Technique in Interactive Fiction and New Media". It's from 2007. Interestingly, Jeremy also proposed a term 'command line literature' that might include parser IF, MUDs, chatbots and 'other command line textual systems'.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
(3 edits)

There is a misunderstanding about Robin Johnson's entry in ParserComp 2021. He entered the game "Gruesome" (probably made with GrueScript?). However, in that game the parser was not disabled. I would say it was a traditional parser game with a twist (the twist was about dark/light locations). You can play the game to see that the game is a parser game though you first have to push the start-button.

You can see all 2021 entries here: Submissions to ParserComp 2021 -

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

No need to be sorry about that. Last year another one organised the competition (partly?) so it may depend on the organiser where he/she draws the line.

We must remember that ParserComp was made to have a more specialised competition than IFComp. If we don't do something to control this, the ParserComp ends up being just another general IF competition. And IFComp and Spring Thing would gladly have accepted your game - it is clearly IF but (as I understand) not parser-IF though I haven't played your game yet so I wouldn't know.