I just finished a run on Delivery Pilot on Medium. I wanted to know how the latest changes affect mid/endgame. It was surprisingly easy. I even tracked my money to check whether it was sufficient for hard mode - it was over the whole game. So maybe it is still managable in hard, but having a mission chance of 80% is a big advantage, much bigger than I expected.
About the effects of the latest changes:
- The morale drop is really painful from day 30 to 100. I had to rest once a week. From day 100 to 150, it relaxed a little bit because you get more morale from resting. I had to rest about one day in 3 weeks. After day 150, morale wasn't an issue anymore. Sometimes I took flights without cargo because the proposed missions did neither pay well nor had a good destination. These flights were sufficient as rest days in the endgame. I wonder how this morale curve will look when you add the even level obligations.
- IMHO, the officer part in the harassment probability is too much. Even in the endgame, the harassment chance was mainly determined by the officers, not by the obligations. Thus, it did not make much sense to avoid a station with many obligations.
Proposal for balancing: reduce the officer part in the harassment chance. This makes the early game easier. You might increase the obligation part, but I would wait with that until you have the transport scenes and even level obligations.
- The morning scene selection needs some weighting, higher level obligations should have a higher probability. I was walking around topless and MC was concerned about her jacket...
Darkmorrow Bodyguard:
I like some of your ideas, others not.
- Permadeath: I'm a huge fan, adds a lot of replayability for me.
- Turning down offers ends the game: what's the point in this? If both turning down an offer or failing means game over, the only option for me would be trying the mission. Of course, my highscore would always be 0 because I loose every game, but who cares? For me, I would remove the possibility of not taking a mission, and make it a "see how long you can survive" game, or make a maximum level of missions. About the H-scenes, you should give the player a choice. I think it was Fable where you could announce how you do a mission, and you could get more fame and money with riskier announcements (like "I will slay the dragon naked!"). You could do something similar here. You get an offer for a mission. The merchant offers you a bonus under certain conditions, like "you get 100 gold extra if you wear this chainmail bikini during the mission." Accepting the condition gives you the H-content, but also a disadvantage, like you cannot wear your best equipment, or you start battles with lower stamina, ... On later levels, the merchant might demand a minimum obligation and offer a higher obligation. The way to victory would be by clever deciding which missions you can do with the obligations (in order to earn money fast enough), and which better to do with your best gear.
- Level/Battle system: sounds fun to me.