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Like the first post I made, this post is my thoughts and conclusions on the events that happen in Chapter 1, but will also contain spoilers for Chapter 2 as well. I tried to keep this primary focus on Chapter 1, however, this post will also take some information from Chapter 2 whenever discussing characters and events. (I will try not to talk about the Burned Man during this post since it would be simpler to talk about the Burned Man in Chapter 2.)

Chapter 1

Although there weren't any hidden messages in the backlogs I could find when going through Chapter 1, there are things that I would like to go over with.

Alessia's Power


Thoughts: This is the first time Alessia has witnessed a ‘white ball of fire’, which undoubtedly refers to as souls. The way Bitey and everyone act, or the lack thereof, when Alessia experiences an event where someone dies makes it seem that most if not everyone else doesn't experience what Alessia sees: having the souls explode when a mortal dies. I would expect Frank/Obli or any other decedent to be able to witness this, however, their reaction when someone does die makes it seem otherwise. The soul also leaves a smudge behind, which the next quote explores.



Thoughts: When touching the residue that the soul has made, Alessia sees flashing imagines that have to be Giorgio’s actions before his death. (Walking up, traveling to William’s place, and getting stabbed.) This implies that at the very least Alessia is able to see people’s memories before their deaths by touching the residue that is left behind. This also might be related to her ability to see people’s memories in her dream but there isn’t enough evidence to suggest this is the case.

However, it is also surprising that this caused Alessia to be angry at Bitey. Maybe it’s a past event that Alessia has buried in her memory? Alessia's third dream does hint that Bitey might have acted in such a way that can cause might caused this buried memory. It's even possible that these feelings are not her own instead of people she dreams about or even her 'Chimera' that lives in the shadows. No evidence really pertains to her anger here towards Bitey, so we can't conclusively say for sure.

Alessia’s Dream

Dreams seem to be an important part of the story. The ones that stick out are Alessia’s dreams.


According to Alessia, the dreams she is experiencing only happened after her mother had died, making a connection between Alessia’s dreams and the ‘Chimera’ inside of her shadow by heavily implying that the reason why she gets these dreams are because of the ‘Chimera’. In these dreams, Alessia relives past events, often times in people’s memories from their perspective, and is able to have her own thoughts during the events that are played out. This explains what was going on in her dreams in the Abbey.

(For the sake of time/space I will not put these dreams down in this post.)

-Alessia's First Dream



Thoughts: Although we don’t know who Alessia and the Nun were supposed to represent, we do have two small clues during this dream that can be used to figure out who they are. 

The first clue was that ‘Alessia’ wanted to be useful, meaning that their involvement in something is seen by them as useless or unproductive. 

The second clue was that the ‘Nun’ somewhat cared for ‘Alessia’. This can be seen in their interaction when the Nun says ‘It must be so hard…’ and Alessia responded with ‘I’m fine.’ This is strange since at the end of the dream the ‘Nun’ tries to kill ‘Alessia’ but was stopped by some light. This leads me to believe that the empathy that the ‘Nun’ had towards ‘Alessia’ was superficial, or maybe the anger about ‘Alessia’s’ eyes was enough to push the ‘Nun’ over the edge. It’s too hard to say with the little evidence we have with them.

Another thing to note about this dream is that the ‘Nun’ says the baby’s mother, based on B28 the baby is Demiurge so therefore the mother is Sofia, was the cause of his damaged eye. This strikes me as odd since according to Noch the Aeons have caused it. This leads me to believe that either the Aeons did cause the injury but the ‘Nun’ blames it all on his mother or Sofia did cause the damage and Noch was trying to cover it up.

Although not too important, it’s cool to speculate that the different rooms where both ‘Alessia’ and the ‘Nun’ travel from one room to another represent the idea that they are traveling from one place (possibly from the Pleroma) to another (the void).

A thing we can conclude is the time this is taken place. Since the Demiurge is represented as a baby, we can conclude that this is taken place after the Aeons poked the Demiurge's eyes out and threw him but before he left to create the world where mortals live.  (Although, there is still a possibility that this can still take place during Demiurge's imprisonment since two small pieces of evidence tie it to the current day; the Nun can actually be the Nun that Alessia helps after the Abbey murder case and 'Alessia' describes the smell as sweet, which is similar to the smell of the center of the Galaxy. But it would make sense for the dream to take place before the Demiurge created the world.) Based on this, we can say that this is one of the oldest memories that Alessia had, and it would eventually play an important part in the story.


Theory 1:  Noch, Doro, and Noch's 'lord' are the 'Nun'. From the sound of it, the 'Nun' sound as if they have authority over 'Alessia.'  And based on my speculation that they are not in fact in the Church of Erde but instead in the void/Pleroma, the only one that makes sense to fit the bill is Noch, Doro, and Noch's 'lord.' However, I would like to say otherwise since the 'Nun' in the dream displays emotions and based on Noch's statement everyone from the void seem to not have any.

-Alessia's Second Dream

Thoughts: The second dream can be separated into three different parts: Alessia part, Neru part, and Sofia part. 

In Alessia's part, Alessia tells us about the ‘Chimera’ that haunts her in her shadow, explaining to us how her skin turned white and her eyes red. Although there isn’t much left to discuss about this particular part, there is something off about it. Bitey said that 'Gabriela' transformed when Alessia’s grandfather died, yet we never heard about this character ever again. It’s also strange that Bitey ‘knew’ the grandfather since in Bitey 1 it would seem that Bitey didn’t know about the grandfather at all, at least he didn’t know he had a room in Alessia’s home. Another coincidence is that both Alessia’s grandfather has a similar name to this ‘Gabriela’ being Gabriel. (There are many mysteries surrounding Alessia's family but will save that when discussing Chapter 2.)

In Neru’s part, Neru explains that the closer one’s soul is to the primordial light, the stronger they are. This allows us to understand how power scales in this world, yet it doesn’t really explain how Voidborn ever gets their powers. Noch did say that the void does not have souls, so being Voidborn, it is safe to say that they don't have souls, yet they have powers that are similar to Shapeshifters but more powerful.

In Sofia’s part, it tells a tale of Sofia that was recounted in Chapter 2 by Noch but with more detail. What is interesting is how Sofia is planning to show the Aeons their true nature. Is it by giving birth to Samuel? Or is it something that would happen in the future?

-Alessia's Third Dream

Thoughts: Similar to the second dream, the third dream can be separated into two parts.

The first part shows the interaction that Neru and Obli had that Neru describes in the Prologue. Two things about it are quite strange. How does Alessia know the name Obli and how does Alessia knows what is going to happen, i.e. that the lizard person that Alessia thinks is Bitey is going to touch her shoulder? It would make sense if Alessia saw Neru’s memory from both the Prologue and Chapter 2, but how doesn’t she know who Obli is? 

 The second part shows the interaction between Alessia and some mysterious fellow. Some interesting things to keep in mind are that they refer Nomino as treacherous, and the quote 'It hurts that no matter what he does, how much power he wields, he’s helpless to come to your aid,' is similar to the quote Pyre said during the Prologue.

Patterns seem to emerge from the dreams, and based on those patterns we can categorize them into two types of dreams; dreams that are represented by people that Alessia knows and dreams that aren’t. The dreams that are represented by people that Alessia knows are the first dream and Sofia’s part in the second dream while the dreams that aren’t are Neru and Alessia's parts in the second dream. (The Neru part in the third dream is most likely in the second category but Alessia’s commentation during the dream makes it hard to determine.) Dreams that represent people that Alessia knows seem to represent dreams that are not in the current universe, ie it takes place in the void/Pleroma with characters in those universes represented by people Alessia knows about. Although there isn’t much we can do with this information, it does bring up the question of why Alessia has the memories of people who aren’t even mortals? We know that the memories that Alessia has are from people who have died, does that make those people we see, Neru, Sofia, ‘Alessia’ from the first dream, dead? Or is it possible to pass down those memories without dying? Both possibilities seem likely, yet I lean towards the ladder since the former is harder to justify. (What I mean by this is that it would make some of the things said in the story a bit wonky and not have meaning.)

Although it is clear what Obli’s role is during his time in Smed’s Church, I found his interaction with Alessia a bit weird.



Thoughts: Although a slight detail, it is quite strange how Frank/Obli will do something as clumsy as this, especially when it says that Frank/Obli is ‘clearly still a bit shaken up.’  I assume that, somehow, Frank/Obli is able to notice the 'Chimera' that Alessia possesses and dropped the items he was carrying in shock. But more strange things happen later on.


Thoughts: It isn’t all too strange to ask if anything is wrong with them, but what is strange is what happens after. ‘Aloys bumped Frank on the shoulder. The small human looked down at his plate as his cheeks turned pink.’ Why would Frank/Obli blush here? Although not quite, this interaction between Frank/Obli and Alessia reminds me of how Shax/Obli interacts with Neru about greens in both the Prologue and Chapter 2. Maybe the reason why Frank/Obli is embarrassed is that Aloys reminds him of his interaction with Neru since Alessia has a connection with Neru and she looks like him? Or maybe I'm overanalyzing it too hard since Aloys might be pointing out that Frank/Obli also didn't eat his cauliflower? But then again, this isn't the only time Frank/Obli wanted Alessia to eat her greens.

This leads me to believe that this isn't a coincidence, instead, Frank/Obli has some reason to do this. That leaves us the question: why was Frank/Obli acting like this? 


Theory 1: Alessia, and by association Alessia’s family, is a decedent of Neru in some way.  Although Alessia's second dream did make it unlikely, it is entirely possible for this to happen, maybe Neru's brothel visit perhaps? This explains the connection between Alessia and Neru and why Frank/Obli acts the way he does.  But it doesn't seem to fit everything neatly; it doesn't explain why Alessia gets dreams of the past, why she can see people's memories from the residue of a soul, and the 'Chimera.'

Theory 2: Frank/Obli is David, Alessia’s older brother. Crazy theory, I know, but it would make some sense in this context of Frank/Obli being nice, and dropping his stuff when seeing Alessia. Although it is nearly debunked since Obli did talk about a shapeshifter that follows Rel around in Chapter 2, it is a fun thought to have.

Although Noch said he is not going to be at the Abbey, there seems to be evidence that makes it seem that Noch, or someone else, is somewhat involved with the murder case.


Thoughts: When Alessia and Bitey were following the mysterious fellow at night, Alessia felt slime when touching the walls, but when she looked it wasn’t there. The way Alessia describes the slime is similar to how Aloys describes Noch in Chapter 2, making me think that Noch was, somehow, there in the hallway. But there are more things that suggest this.


Thoughts: When investigating Aloys' innocents, Alessia experience a sudden coldness which seems to be a reference to tidal wave/cold winds. Since Noch is considered to be a Deity of the Sea, it would make sense for this to be a reference to him.


Thought: Who was the one who said this? This is quite curious especially since they make it sound as if there is more than one person who is willing to help Aloys at this particular part. One this is for sure; they intend to help Aloys from getting caught. It would make sense if Noch was the one who help Aloys to continue with his plan, but this quote doesn't help us determine if this is true or not.


Theory 1: Noch was at the Abbey. Although we can't confirm if this is true, there is a lot of evidence that points to it being true. Yet, there seem to be oddities that suggest otherwise like why would Noch contact Aloys through the gem necklace instead of talking to him one-on-one?  Especially when he craves for Aloys, wouldn't it be better to satisfy his hunger instead of waiting till Aloys comes back to this domain?

Theory 2: Other people are involved, such as Sofia and her ‘supporters.’ B33 suggests that there are at least two people involved in the case that we don't know about, but other than that we can’t say for sure.


I will like to revisit the murder case.

 Although some things do make sense, for the most part, there are some questions and doubts about how everything conspires. 

First, although a minor thing, why did William act the way he did before his death?


An idea that comes to mind is that he has to choose a successor, after all, he is getting on in years. Yet I wouldn't think this would be stressful at all since we can see that Brandeis has a successor picked for like 20 years and nothing back has come to him as a result.

Maybe the fact that the other abbots are coming to his church was the reason for his stress. It would make sense since they are all wary of each other because of the files, but I would think that William would be less stressed since he has all the power in the world because of the files.

Maybe is it all in Maggie’s head, but I would like to think otherwise. Other people's statement has also collaborated with Maggie's assessment of William slowly losing his mind. Maybe it’s old age, but it feels like there is more to this than just that. 

Another thing that I will like to doubt is that Brandeis was the killer of Oscar. If they found out that Oscar has the files while searching, why wouldn’t they take the files from him while searching and kill Oscar afterward? Although it would make sense to kill Oscar during the murder in the Abbey, and frame it as the Aloys doing, I would think that it would be safer to kill him after or have Oscar be under control because of the files. But because 'Brandeis' took the book with him, the book allows Alessia to find the file that ‘Brandeis’ tried to hide.

Another question arrives on how the killer enters the room.


Based on Bernardo, the killer enter through the window instead of the door. Yet, it would seem that Oscar would have noticed the killer entering, so having a sneaky kill would be impossible. This would mean that Oscar allowed the killer to enter his room through the window and either wasn't aware that he was going to get killed or accepted his own death. I wouldn't rule out the possibility that he didn't know he was going to get killed, but Oscar would have been at least slightly wary if someone enter his room through the window instead of the door. (Especially if Brandeis was the one who committed the killing.) It’s also possible that Bernardo was the one who faked the evidence since both Alessia and Bitey were out of the room during the investigation, but it would go against Bernardo’s own sense of justice so I wouldn’t take it into consideration. However, I would like to bring out another possibility. 


It would seem that descendants are able to hide from mortals in some way. Assuming that they have the ability to turn invisible, it is possible that they can walk around freely without anyone noticing. It is possible that one of the descendants, Obli, Lucusti, or any other descendants, could have done the murder. Assuming that they have the ability to go invisible, it would be easy to kill Oscar and place the evidence inside Brandeis’ room. (Although both the Prologue and Chapter 2 make it seem that this is not the case.)

Hidden secret

There seem to be some hidden things that happened after you either leave the game alone for a week or two or have the game for a month. Although I didn’t see any changes in the Prologue, there are changes in Chapter 1 that significantly gives a lot of information about the story and characters. However, it would seem that more than one dialogue can appear, and I was able to get two of them… Well, sorta.  

(Sidenote, the following dialogue doesn’t seem to always happen after creating a new Chapter 1. This makes me conclude this: there is a counter or a checker in the game that dictates if you see this dialogue based on either the date when you started up the new chapter or how many times you play/create the chapter. It might also be possible that the ‘Clear Data’ in Config can also change what hidden secret you can get, but I can’t say for sure.)

The first hidden message that I got is the hidden message I couldn’t get a screenshot of, but I was able to write it down. However, do take this quote and my deduction with a grain of salt since I do make a lot of mistakes when I wrote them down, my preconception is that I was able to go back and get a screenshot of it later to verify the quote but this hidden message stop showing up when writing this part of the post down. (I will update this part if it shows up again, but for the time being this is the only thing that I can really use for this hidden message.)

"(The unknown being goes silent. A chill goes down Alessia’s spine. Is something else about to happen?)

‘...... Hello?’ -Alessia

‘I hadn’t noticed… It seems we have an uninvited guest. 

I remember you.’’

(What form the creature possess shifts. Alessia can’t tell, but she think it’s looking somewhere else now. 

And she is right. It is looking at me.)

‘This is impressive. It’s been a thousand years, but I still didn’t expect you to be able to peek this deep into someone’s mind. I trust my home is treating you well?’

‘I would not describe it as hospitable. A mass of flesh lunging to try to devour me is not my idea of a proper greeting.’

'Forgive them, they are not used to foreign bodies. Out there we all kind of meld together, they just want you to join in.’

(The creature takes its time to inspect me. I cannot help but roll my eyes at its attempt at showing concern. Finally, it speaks again.)

‘Would you believe me if I told you even here it’s been a problem? Not for me, as I lack a physical form, but for Noch.’

‘Yes. In fact, I witnessed it.’

‘Oh… Don’t tell me he consumed human flesh.’

‘No. He found a way to keep those impulses under control. But I will spare you the details, as I would rather not recall them.’

‘Well, as long as he is behaving himself.’

‘...What about you? Can you say you have been behaving?’

‘I believe so.’

‘Truly? Then why don’t you leave the girl alone? I may not know the future, but I don’t need to in order to see this will end badly.’

‘This is the only path we have. You should know that well. If you don’t, then ask yourself why you got trapped out there.’

(I lower my head, carefully considering his words. I don’t like taking advice from these monsters, but they seem to know something I don’t, so perhaps I should lend their words an ear.

Deep down I know he’s right, it is undeniable a greater force has been guiding us down this path without an apparent way out.

But it is truly inescapable as it seem? The real question is if they are trying to help or deceive me.)

‘In any case, it’s good to see you doing well. Now it’s time to resume our script. I trust you’ll be watching our performance until your turn to enter the stage?’

‘Of course. It is not as if there was anything else to do here.’

(Alessia attempts to speak and wave her hands in front of the creature, and that is when she realizes the words aren’t coming out.)”

Found: In Alessia’s third dream in the second gap.

Thoughts: There are a lot of things said in this quote, so let’s break it down.

 First, who were the beings having the discussion? It would be safe to say that the people having the discussion are Sofia and the Burned man from Chapter 2 but reading over the conversation I will say otherwise. 

It would seem to be Sofia because their dialogue and their actions seem to perfectly fit Sofia: wanting their son back, the cause of all his suffering, calming down Alessia like Samuel, and being able to see the future in some way. However, in the dialogue that the person who ‘Sofia’ was talking to, they refer to ‘Sofia’ with male pronouns which contradicts what we know about Sofia, being the mother of Samuel. Assuming that Aeons are bound with genders, this would lead me to believe that the person Alessia was speaking to during her third dream is not Sofia. The only conclusion that I can make is that they are Aeon, male, sees themselves as a parental figure for Samuel, and feels that they are somewhat responsible for Samuel’s suffering. (It is possible that they are voidborn but we have only seen the power to calm down people from an Aeon.) 


Theory 1: Neru/Pyre. I put them all into this category since they both are males with unknown pasts. I wouldn’t think that it would be Neru since in the Prologue we can see that has emotion, but according to Noch it is possible to lose feelings after spending time in the void so I can’t really rule out the possibility. 

Theory 2: The Aeon that Obli has absorbed. It is possible that the one talking to Alessia is not her shadow, but instead the Aeon that Obli has absorbed. (This assumes that they are still alive and not just a power source that Obli can use.)

It would seem to be the Burn Man talking to ‘Sofia’ since, well, he is the only person we know watching the records, but I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Just like in the Prologue, there seem to be more people watching the events happening than they appear. An example of this is Pyre who was watching the records since the Prologue and the person who made the comment in A10. It also doesn’t make sense for the Burned Man to be in the discussion since ‘Sofia’ goes over things that the Burned Man wouldn’t know or doesn’t know yet, ie how Voidborn/Aeon merge together and Noch with his insatiable hunger. There is too much evidence that goes against the idea that it is the Burned Man. 


Theory 1: There is a bit of evidence that suggested it would be Neru. ‘Sofia’ mentions three things that seem to fit Neru’s circumstance pretty well; the character must be at least a thousand years old from the moment they had the discussion, never been to either void/Pleroma, and got trapped somewhere. Neru is about a thousand years old since the time this discussion was taken place the first Aeon war is about a thousand years. (According to the timeline, from when Shax died to when this dream was taken place it would be around 790 years + 200 years when the first Aeon war started would give a number that is near to a thousand years.) He might have never been to the void/Pleroma, although there is some evidence to show that he might in the prologue, and Neru is currently stuck in the void. 

Theory 2: Pyre. Similar to the previous theory about who ‘Sofia’ was, there are too many unknowns about Pyre. It does make sense for him to be the one who was talking to ‘Sofia,’ but we can’t conclusively say for sure.

Theory 3: Burned Man. I wouldn’t exclude the Burned Man since they are too many mysteries with him. He could have a separate memory that stops him from remembering, like a split personality, or he can be fooling everyone, like doublethink/doublespeak. We don’t know his identity or how he is connected to the story, so I would leave it as a possibility for him to have this discussion with ‘Sofia.’ (More evidence that suggests it isn't the Burned Man is in Chapter 2, but would save that for later.)


Found: In Alessia’s third dream in the second gap. (Similar to the other hidden secret)

Thoughts: This reveals a lot about Alessia’s character. Although it’s surprising how Alessia sees the world, taking into account Pyre’s thoughts of her it makes sense. Well, a bit anyway. I never really got this from Alessia, especially since the new content of .10 really makes it seem that Alessia helped the old lady in the church just out of the kindness of her heart.

 It is also interesting how they describe the world as needing a sacrifice. To get what you want, you must sacrifice something in return. To save Samuel from his fate, Alessia must ‘hurt many others.’ If this is so, what must Obli sacrifice to get Neru back? What things did Obli have already done or is going to do in the future? 

How far is he willing to go for Neru?

Getting back to the quote, they do mention what the traitor’s, Nomino, intentions might be.

 The hatred towards the Aeons and his love for ‘God makes it obvious what Nomino plans to do with mortals: either kill or corrode the Aeons to protect Abraxas. It is possible that the gnosis is somehow related to this, but that is yet to be seen.

Some interesting quotes that might be important.


Thoughts: Although never mention again, it is strange how they say this in the first place. (I don't think it played a role in the Abbey murder case, but it is still possible for it to have.)


Thoughts: Although Bitey thinks Diego is talking about nothing, somehow Diego was able to scarcely pinpoint every reason why they are getting targeted in great detail. It makes me wonder if this is somehow related to Diego turning into a monster later on. (I will discuss this later whenever I go over gnosis. This seems to be relevant to it.)


Thoughts: interesting thing to think about. How were the descendants using humans? There seems to be an important reason, other than the battle taking place on Earth, for the descendants to be working on it. Maybe is to protect that one particular space since a massive portal has been opened on Earth which can make that particular part to be very weak. But there seems to be more than that based on Obli’s observation in Chapter 2 where he talks about humanity not advancing technology.

Extra: My favorite part of Chapter 1

I really love the interaction between Shax and Neru during Alessia’s second dream. (This part especially. Shax is so adorable!)

It was really hard to come to any conclusion about this chapter. I feel that there are many conclusions that aren't right, but these are the best interpretation I have with the evidence that we are currently given.

Also, I would make another post on Alessia. There is still some strangeness that I didn’t bring up about her, so I would make a post solely on her.


"Bitey said that 'Gabriela' transformed when Alessia’s grandfather died, yet we never heard about this character ever again."

This is actually me messing up. This is meant to refer to Alessia's mother. I settled for "Angela" as her name in CH2, having forgotten she got mentioned once in CH1 lol.

But I guess I didn't forget completely considering I named her father almost the same.

I always had that in mind, but I didn’t want to miss out on any possibility. But based on what you have said…

Never mind, there is no point in saying it in this post. (I will dwell on it another time.) 

 I do hope that some of my conclusions were, in some way or another, correct in any way, but time will tell if this is the case. I’ve enjoyed looking through the chapters and trying to put the puzzle pieces together, although I might be ‘damaging the pieces’ in attempting to have them fit the narrative I have about the story. 

Anyway, I guess Shax was right that intellectual challenge is a thing of the soul. Even though the mystery was set up by you, trying to figure out the solutions to them was really fun. (Even if I was wrong for most of them.) 

I can’t wait to see the real answers to them and can’t wait to solve more of the puzzles that lie ahead.