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The block got stuck halfway up the hill. I had to mess around with it a bit to get it not stuck. If you're going to have parts involving going downward, the camera should center the player character more. Other than that, I'm not sure what this prototype demonstrates. You've got a character that can jump, move and push, but barely anything that relates to the title.

Thank you so much for trying out the Prototype of Silent Sonata!

Yes, we regret that we didn't display more of the main game mechanic than we did. (interacting with the environment more with the Melodica/arrow keys.)  

Learning the programming language C# and the Unity Game Engine from scratch took a large chunk of time from the Indie Game Making Contest 2018.

We believe that with this being our first step into the door of the Game Industry is on somewhat the right foot. 

We hope to bring a better experience for you to play in the final build of Silent Sonata!

That's understandable. Good luck in the future.

Good luck to you also!