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I looked around the whole village and talked to everyone, then the game froze as I was leaving the empty tavern.

That's very strange!! What day was it? I'll take a look at it. So sorry that you experienced that!!


I guess it was day 1. I didn't accept any apprenticeships because I wanted to see who all the people in town were first.

Hm I've never had a playtester come up with that bug! But I'll be sure to check it out as soon as I'm at a laptop. Its a shame you couldn't see the whole game on your first play through, but I apprecoate you bringing this bug to my attention. This new one and a problem on the 3rd day with the gnome trapping you in the cave are the two I now currently know of and will patch once the contest is over. Was there anything else you disliked about the game? Anything that wasn't clear?

There's wasn't anything unclear. I didn't like the opening though. I know a lot of people find it amusing to have expectations suddenly betrayed right after they're built, but I don't like being told something only to be immediately told it doesn't matter. After that the characters didn't grab me enough to recover. Part of why I was searching the town was to find characters I liked.

Ah I see! The opening cutscene was meant to moreso set up the world's overarching plot point, while making a joke out of games that start that way, but I can see how it came off jarring, I can certainly work to make it less so. I unfortunately am currently unable to recreate the bug you speak of, but I'll have some play testers of mine give it a few attempts as well so we can identify the problem! While I unfortunately have to wait until after the contest to officially fix it, know that it will be found and fixed in the future.

 Should you choose to give it another go, the characters do all have backstories that can be discovered by further talking to them each day, which may make them more likeable to you. Even if you don't, it's a shame my game wasn't your cup of tea, but I thank you for giving it a try regardless!!!