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(4 edits) (+2)(-1)

I like the game but the way its written makes you hate all the characters due to how casual and selfishly they act, like you straight up get turned into a penis and they are getting angry at you if your too forceful about turning back. Example, kangaroo guy if your too rude he'll give you meds that knock you out and your transform more like wtf and he is basically unfazed, and you have to beg him to go to the library. 

I hope the dev reads this and edits it a bit so the characters are bit more caring towards you or at least seem less like they are actually trying to save you and not just go on with their daily lives.

Like I get its a kink game but still this needs a rewrite as non of them are likeable right now, non of the characters past the first day even seem like they feel bad for you and its a frustrating experience.

And the characters are way to quick to 'punish you' for basically nothing expect wanting to go back to normal.

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I hear you on that..... It is such a hard balance. People ask me to make them more kind others ask me to make them more pushy.

The biggest balance is time required to do things. People don't like if it takes too long to get the host to perma mode

Sigh.... your comment shows the balance is still off. I will take a whack at fixing it a bit more toward the kindness side.


I'd say it also depencs on just how each character is meant to be. Like with Dominic of course he would be like that since he's such an a**hole already.

You could have a difficulty setting!