- Which character was your favorite? Why?
- I've only played Luca so far. He was just too cute to tease in the game.
- Did you manage to make all the guys on the main screen regain their color?
- Not yet, I had my own Luca and Mark for a while, although I hadn't realized Mark wasn't a love interest until after I started playing the game.
- What's your favorite moment in the game?
- My favorite moment was when they first met up.
- Do you want a Mark route?
- I DO want a Mark route! I'm interested in his storyline. When I saw him in Luca's storyline I wanted to ditch Luca and go with him but I didn't.
- Would you replay the game if it were fully voiced?
- I don't mind if it's fully voiced. I'm okay with either. But I am a fast and impatient reader so sometimes I'm just left waiting for the next dialogue or just skipping through. I did enjoy the noises they make like the sighs. It helped immerse me in the game. I loved the voice of both Mark and Luca!
Okay, some personal comments, I enjoyed the storyline and how different choices led to different endings. All the characters were beautifully drawn. I loved how the in-game texting featured worked and that I was able to scroll back on the texts. It really felt real. Plus, the MC's personality kinda resembled mine in some ways so I was able to relate to the MC and her choices. I really enjoyed the game!