Day 2 Update:
I'm having some friends over tomorrow, so I basically worked all day to make up for it (luckily the new puppy ensures I have to get up and take walks at regular intervals). Today, I got all the pixel work done for the cat's sprite and the overworld. It's a simple, one-level game but I wanted the level to feel longish so I looked at Pokemon routes from Sapphire that I remember being long and made the level about the same length. Only the first third is demo'd in the gif below. I'd love to have NPCs and some houses in that first area, but it's not a priority for making a complete game. I also made it PRETTY SMALL, each cell in Godot is 16 x 16. I think that helped me keep moving and not get bogged down in visual details since there's only so many pixels in each cell.
Tomorrow, I'd like to get up early and get some overworld sprites for the enemies completed. I'm planning on making them look a little like aphids but we'll see how it turns out. If I have time I'd like to code the overworld enemy sprites so they come towards the player if you get close to them- Fancy Fat Frog mentioned it and I'll be implementing turn-based combat so I'll deal with starting the combat scene for the week proper.
Screencap below, the gif is choppier than the game actually runs. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!