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I wasn't really sure what to think about it first, but I'm glad I played it^^
The music is great and the art is really cute^^ The gameplay is pretty solid, too.
It's a little too short for my tastes and a little more backstory would be nice, but you guys probably focused on presentation more.
Anyway, I would love to see more of this game and I'm pretty sure you'll come far with it^^ I can definitely see how that could become the next indie hit^^

Thanks so much for taking the time to play the game. We agree that it is far too short! xD We'd love to add quite a bit more to let the player know what is going on, as well. We created this great, albeit somewhat tragic story, and the robust nature of that world is a bit lost in what we could get done in the timeframe. I'm hoping we can bring that out in the near future. 

Thanks again!