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Actually if Rosalind is the guilty one, the beating can be brought up during the judgement. Even if she's not, the bartender does remark that she'll get punished for that but you need to focus on the parents.

Miranda figures the code as a safety measure to prevent player from losing  the whole game if you can't figure it out yourself.

Thanks for trying out my game!

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

There's no additional clues to the code, you have to figure out yourself.  I actually did think of making them fail but then I thought that it may be too cruel and leave a foul taste in their mouths, especially if that's the only thing from stopping them from saving their parents. It could potentially sour the whole game experience, even if they had enjoyed it until that point.

I didn't think that it's too impossible to be honest, I've seen several videos where the people figure out the password without Miranda telling them about it. But if  I do expand this game out, I probably would have difficulty options where Miranda could help solve several puzzles if you are stuck with on easier difficulties limited number of times  and on harder difficulty, you'd have no safety net and would have to rely entirely on your own wits.