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Hello. This works for me - nothing above did!

Go to the following location, using terminal: /location/of/

cd into ./Contents/MacOS/

there should be a script - 'wohgame' . Your mac's OS - or the desktop interpretation - thinks this is just a text document, but it's actually the game, within the '' wrapper. You won't be able to run it - this is da problem - but you can change its permissions so that you can.

in the same location, in the terminal, type 'chmod 777 wohgame' . This is a bit of a nuclear option, but it means anyone can read, write, or run the script.

If the command completes - shut the terminal, and click on the app. Welcome to squelchy, questy J-horror funtimes...!

Please let me know if you need further help, cheers, Run DMG

Took a bit to figure out how to do that. got the file path by right clicking and opening the file contents. then I got it working per your instructions by typing: chmod 777 [location of wohgame dragged into the terminal.]

It now launches by double clicking the games wrapper! thank you so much for the help. only posted the reply in case this version makes more sense for someone who doesn’t know terminal commands well.