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We've had a good long chance to sit down with this one and loved it. It also just so happens to be inspired by games we're big fans of here, so there's a lot here we can give praise to, from the graphics to the audio and even the core gameplay loop. If only the days could be just a teensy bit longer (perhaps an upgrade?). We'd love to see this expanded upon in the future!


Thank you so much for playing it! I'm so happy you enjoyed it. Yes, I absolutely agree with the day length (especially when you are trying to water flowers on the outer edges of the park) and a "make day longer" upgrade was definitely in my original design doc but I just didn't get around to adding it too the prototype...

I very much plan to keep working on the game so keep an eye out! Currently working on an update that fixes some of the outstanding bugs I didn't get too before the contest and adding native controller support. Just getting some of the ground work out of the way so I can get to adding more content!