Fantastic job! Loved the design of the world that kept you needing to switch between every form. I like that every boss felt like it needed a different ability to beat and that in the end it was a boss rush. The level design was good too. You really needed to explore to find everything, and I appreciate how much detail there is from the beastiary(which was hilarious) to the fact that I can check how many colors I'm missing. Very well thought out and nicely executed.
I do think that the controls for changing and using the abilities could be easier to use. I had many moments where I accidentally transformed or used an ability when I didn't intend to, i think, because of the controls or because there needed to be more feedback on how to change. Could just be user error though! I think the recovery for the bee could be a bit quicker too or could be limited a different way. As it was, I had to wait around for the bar to reset without much to do. It could reset quicker or it could be something like kirby where the bee could have a number of jumps and resets when you land.
Overall very strong entry. Loved the music changing based on the character used, loved the colors slowly coming back giving you a good sense of progression and love the style and design. Great job!