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what do you think in wich time period does narrow one take place?

id say after the 15th century, because the japanese castles, as shown in the game where build in the 15th century 


and that the mayans still exist sugessts that it takes places before the spanish killed them all in 1697

but because knights are able to be in aamerica in narrow one, it suggests that it takes place since 1500

Well, I think in 3100 BC because Egyptian civilization (in Tombs map) was built in 3100 BC.

(1 edit)

yeah, but tombs is just a ruin wich suggest that the egyptians arent there anymore


but also theres a roman map

Or maybe Narrow One had dessert environments Tropical and so on! So maybe they were inspired my the Mayan and Egyptian and stuff. That's what I think

or maybe its a story, we start in the 1st century because the roman. arenas were build atthat time, and end up in the 16th-17th century with the discovery of america and the spanish conquering of the mayas

Could be

its the most probable, also we are probably mercenaries, because most soldier already had guns in the 16th century

Maybe it started in the times of the Roman Emperor and send friendly explorers to Meso America (What central america was called at the time) and the other places and brought there armor and architect with them

yeah, but the japanese fortresses wich you see in the japanese map, where build in the 15th century, when the romans where already gone

But after that they could have went there