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To anyone wondering if this game is dead, here's what's going on to the best of my knowledge.

The dev got an academic scholarship and one of the rules is that they  cannot work/earn money while attending classes which is why he closed his SubscribeStar & Patreon. He can only commit to working on updates in whatever spare time he has, and since he'll be doing it for free, he can't commit to a specific schedule. In other words, this and his other game are abandoned/permanently on hold until he can get around to working them.


That is all well and good and I can not wait for him to maybe continue to work on this it would have been nice if he could have just stopped by and told us about that. Just put up a damn message.


Well I don't know if he did (no idea why I waited a year and a half to finally check this page to sniff around his patreon which of course I just found has be yanked) that FAQ thing on this page after you said this or not, but the "life stuff got in the way" I think suffices to convey the message that is in Lysergic's details here.


Wow. That's fucked up to have a scholarship only be available to you if you sign away your rights to make any money while doing so. I guess I can sort of understand the work, but the no earning money aspect seems really wrong to me. But thank you for the more detailed update/reasoning for the year and a half absence of updates to the game (and it's insane to think it's actually been THAT long since that happened... does NOT seem like it at all!)