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Heya !

(I want to apologies now because my english isn't perfect, I'm the Molière's language type, so I sorry if I'm not clear.)

As the other says, not much content yet but a very promising game ! The style and the art are some of the most clean, fluid and beautiful I've seen, that's impressive for a game that does'nt weight much in space !

I can't really make a complete review, like I say, the other coms tells exactly what I think, I text here to ask a single question. I can't support you on patreon and I'm really sorry for that (But I can support by playing your game !), so my question is :

Is there gonna be a free/public version of the new updates ? And if yes, when after the realease of it after the patreon version ?


Thanks for your feeback!
Public version will be released one month after patreon version