So, here's a proper reply following my quick previous one.
GuideMissile, I remember you for being a long-time dedicated player who has been actively commenting on the game. I appreciate your support and your kind communication.
I put a lot of thought on the matter and it was a very difficult decision to make. The situation is that, thanks to Poki and to my own hard work in the last 2 years, I am now finally able to provide a multiplayer experience to the players. But for multiple technical reasons, I can't continue supporting the downloadable version.
Until now, I continued providing downloads for the old version on and gamejolt. However, this has proven to be counterproductive: players kept playing the old version and asking for features or bugfixes that already exist in the new version. They even make youtube videos that still show the old version.
For as much as I could, I tried to please everyone. This has been detrimental to my physical and mental health. Even if I kept it up, I would soon burn out and give up on the game as I almost did before transitioning to Poki.
As such, I have to make the difficult yet reasonable decision to cut off the legacy downloads. I know many people will be displeased, but there is no easier way for me.
There are downloads of the old versions in other sites, if people really want to google them. These contain some preloaded maps, and a ZIP archive of all the available maps up to now is here: SV maps archive
I will also write a devlog describing the above for all to see. Again, I really want to make sure that everyone enjoys the game, but sometimes there are hard decisions that must be made. I hope you will understand.