Thanks for your reply. I ended up trying the save immediately before the one that failed, and it worked. Some replay of content I have seen before, of course, but better than a complete replay.
You have stated that this is a rework of a game that was previously quite well developed. I played that original game as far as possible and liked it as it was. I accept it may have had severe technical problems and could not be practically taken further.
However, many of the ideas in that first version were really good, such as being able to purchase and redevelop property. This increased resources available to the MC vastly and really enabled game progress. It really helps to have to not bother about gathering and selling flowers to cover off the taxes.Taking the girls on dates also seems to be missing. I hope that it is the intention to re-introduce those ideas or something like it soon. And the dates are a fun "non-grinding" diversion. Even working with the girls seems less fun in this version. I really miss the interactions with Makoto, unquestionably my favourite girl.
Anyway, your game, your call. I look forward to updates.
Best of luck and regards,