The sheer Haroldness of this is absolutely off the charts. I was in awe of every artistic interpretation of Harold I experienced. The fact that you could make such an amazing entry despite not being some Harold fanatic just speaks to your artistic integrity, and I'm honored every year you grace the jam with your creations.
I think you knowingly did not aim to please everyone, which I can respect, but no doubt it will drop you a few points in areas. Reid mode is hard. . . very hard, and I want to beat it! But the effort and time necessary to understand combat was just a bit too much for me to manage in the judging time period. On Priscilla mode, I don't think there was much thought I had to put into combat aside from trying to inflict status effects and then using the attacks that felt strongest, so on the lower difficulty, combat felt like a repetitive hurdle in the way of experiencing the dialog.
Story too felt a bit beyond me. Even though I fancy myself a bit of a Haroldjam scholar, I was somewhat confused by the plot. I think I picked up the main points of the tournament, secret plan, and sacrifice, but I always felt like my understanding was not doing your storytelling justice. The little side stories one gets from deepening relationships were really nice though. Regardless, you get the honor as the top Haroldverse world builder by far (and that ending was simply awe-inspiring).
I do plan a full scale Reid-level play through, I plan on getting all the endings, and I swear on Harold I'll decode your secret clues you've dropped. Thanks for submitting such an impressive entry!