We'd love it if you let us know in the comments:
1. Which character was your favorite? Why?
- I went in this order: Tristan > Luca > Theo.
- My favorite character ended up being Luca <3 I really like his forwardness, and I loved how he was actually a pretty sweet and sensitive guy (like how he felt for Tristan in the Pear Store). I also like the fact that although we both pursued our own interests & were working on ourselves, we were doing it together hehe. I guess I felt most myself playing his route.
- As for Tristan, he reminds me of this friend I have who I see more like a brother & a bit of myself hahaha. he was relatable, but I guess not the type I'd romance. I still loved his ending thougghhh (I think it might even be my favorite ending. like that's the sweetest shit & such a dream goal).
- Theo's route took me a while to get into it, probably because at first I was also not a fan of being set up personally hahaha. but his route was overall sweet <3
2. Did you manage to make all the guys on the main screen regain their color?
- Yepp.
3. What's your favorite moment in the game?
- I think I liked the moments where we get to interact a bit with family members of the love interest (I don't know why Luca's route with his mum stuck to me hehe)
- Another specific one is when Theo suddenly used those 3 emojis to describe what he wanted to do after the party. I kid you not, I hollered and laughed because like what the hell that felt so unexpectedly bold.
4. Do you want a Mark route?
- After all the stuff he blurted out in Theo's route? Yeah, I'd honestly like to know more about his character.
5. Would you replay the game if it were fully voiced?
- Hmm, if ya'll release a new route & at the same time bring in updates of the game being fully voiced, I thinkk I can see myself replaying it? The answer's more of a maybe for me, hahaha sorry for not giving a straight up reply because it really depends whether I have the time to or not.