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(1 edit) (+1)

I'm glad these games have inspired you to want to make your own, but I'm really not a teacher.

Still, game development is very easy to get into nowadays, especially with how much knowledge is available out there.
If you're truly interested, I suggest starting out by watching Youtube tutorials on the basics of engines like Unity, Unreal, or maybe something entirely different.
You'll need to learn the basics first.

If you're still on board by that point, try practicing with pre-made assets until you're comfortable enough to start making your own.
It's all a very long process, and will take a lot of work. But it's very rewarding if you stick with it.

(2 edits)

Thank you for your suggestions! I will try Unity first. But just a question! Did you watch tutorials before you become a developer?

Have a nice day! :)

Yes, I did! Everything I currently know came from tutorials and a lot of trial and error.

Good luck!

(4 edits)

Thank you! :)

btw since unity is a lil expensive

i decided to try CryEngine and this happened.

(I dont know what this means,mind helping me understand?)


Sounds like your graphics card doesn't meet that engine's requirements.

Also, keep in mind that  you can use the Unity Personal version for free, as long as you don't make over 100k a year!



Have a good day Zed! :)