SPOILER ALERT - skip comments and video if you wish to experience the game for yourself.
Here's my speed run for another love interest.
What I liked (additions to above mentioned):
* Background music - good variety, matches historical romance to perfection. Spotlight on Mark Alan Knapp Jnr. I'm told by Flor that the main menu track has cello, violin, viola and piano. The music spirits me away Bridgerton style and I can totally imagine myself in a high society ballroom, donning my gown and gloves.
* Voice acting - Props to all voice actors, including the main character. Everly's deep voice is my favourite, but that's just personal preference.
What I would have liked to see:
* Good end computer graphic - final kiss scene with Marsden. Mind you, he does come to visit my own home and bouquet of pink carnations ("I'll never forget you"), so the writing already feels complete here, story narrative wise. Graphic would be icing on the cake.
Thanks for another awesome route!