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I loved your game and loved the mechanics too I can't be as you are when it comes to be fair.  

Some best points about your game:

1.Really cool graphics and a lot for one month development

2. Challenging as due to tricky puzzles to solve.

3. Very educative as every time I fail and repeat I learn something which I should be careful of.

Downsides ;

1. Games as these should be more happy looking than those of the dark environment. The reason is simple as this game is challenging I have to try the same level many times as you punishing me as soon as I fall in to the gas.

2. According to point 1 I feel depressed and bad getting punished  again  and again and again time I feel like stopping the play. 

3. Seems similar to The game named INSIDE i played which mentioned down so I think you have added little efforts in making the plan and idea for the game as it is already there.  

Really boring and creates a lot depression after hours of play as there is no interactive environment and user friendly wondering is not done instead that dark theme and solving puzzle makes me sad and feel very bad. 

Here is the game that is exactly the same as you did 😑.

You can. Play that game and I feel you should surely know this earlier. Sad seeing the exact game with few changes made so the game is no interesting to play  as I have played INSIDE many times.

We love Inside, it is one of our inspirations! Thanks for noticing the similarities, that was our intention :)

I am a back end developer too using PHP and MySQL. If you need help in implementing one, just ping me 😁