deleted the post due to too much info. ^
Hey man, you're doing so much for many people, I for one am happy that updates take priority over social media, which is awesome news btw, thank you very much!
The post was mainly me hoping you personally had met people who are as open, understanding and loving as the personages in Straight!?.
That is living the dream, and a total abscence of people like that can lead to some dark places where love don't grow. Self loathing thrives there in abundance though.
Ah well, that was the gist of it, the rest was basically interjecting personal experiences into it which didn't serve any purpose besides feeding a certain sense of emotional exhibitionism,
Anyway, thanks again for your work, past and present, much appreciated!
*edited to add* Not prioritizing money only makes me like you more, Respect man!
I usually start the day with answering messages then jump into the writing stuff or game stuff. Depending on what I'm doing with the game or the ideas I have, sometimes that stuff can get pushed back or stall out even. Other times, I'm watching videos and still trying to learn how to do this. After 5 years, you'd think I'd know what I'm doing but it was all so foreign to start with and the amount of things you have to juggle and learn can spread you thin. After updates, though, I usually get hit hard with messages and stuff and I've always made it a mission to answer every one of them. I don't like leaving comments sitting without a reply and people seem to appreciate that.