Wow! That was a really fun game, I like how there are so many possible things that can happen when you roll the dice.
I have some small tips i would like to share :)
- I recommend adding a cooldown between dice rolls because the best strategy right now is to just spam the T button and you immedeadly open the door (of course you could add a little challenge by having it so the dice spawns in a random spot in the map and reloads when you collect it.
- I also recommend adding some juice, some particles can give your game that extra oompf
- I'd like a tutorial in the game cuz i didn't realize i could scroll down on the page and so i didn't understand the controls at first (but that's mostly my fault :P)
Lastly here are some of the things i loved:
- I really liked the art and music, The retro vibe is lovely
- The movement feels pretty sophisticated for a game jam game :)
- I find some bad roll results really creative ideas so well done!