Well, you've got good art style and characters. That's about it though. Everything about the gameplay fails to connect. To elaborate:
The backgrounds don't match up well with where the character can walk, nor do they show any indication of where the route to the other areas are. When I got the message about the destination being right ahead, I ended up walking the wrong way and going past the correct route.
The items on the ground don't mesh well with the background, with the stick barely even being visible due to how it camouflages with the road.
The inventory system would be hard to make worse. At the very least, if you're going to go with a click item then click usage spot system, you need to highlight the item that's currently selected. Further, there should be some response to doing something that doesn't work.
The rotating lock shows no indication of either what kind of lock it is or which numbers are relevant. The first time it's brought up, there's nothing to even say what the player can click on. This may seem small, but it shows a lack of design in the challenges. Everything the player interacts with should be thought through.
The journal is a text dump during a story that has been too minimal and visual to support suddenly stopping to read.
The first zombie encounter is basically a game over until the player can stumble into whatever they're supposed to do on that screen. It lacks any sense that it was polished as well.
Lastly, the text failing to explain how to use items stayed on the screen it appeared on even after I left and went back.