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Thank you for your feedback and thanks for trying out the game!

It does seem that the vines part is giving trouble to some people, so I'll give you a little hint: take another look inside the cave ;)

Regarding the difficulty:

I'm a pretty old school gamer myself and this demo has a lot of influence from old school games like The Secret of Monkey Island, Broken Sword etc. and I just personally wouldn't like to make the game too easy, since I feel the whole "hook" of these games is for the player to pay attention (surroundings, what stands out in the maps, dialog and all that jazz) and try to figure out how to get further in the game. Of course the interactable stuff shouldn't be too hard to spot and I tried to help that with the top left hud (with lights turning on when you're looking at something you can interact with) and with the description text which pops up at the bottom of the screen. 

I know the jungle maps have a lot of stuff going on in them and you might feel that it's frustrating to go over every nook and cranny to see what you can interact with, but that's why all the interactable stuff on those maps are on places that stand out (the camp, the cave) with the exception of the vines (which Edward tells you about) and the coins. The coins are meant to be just a collectable thing for someone who does like to look for them :)

But again, thanks for the feedback! <3