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(2 edits)

Wow the story and mechanics and artstyle here are all things I haven't seen it's like in the dirty game space, or any game space. This is fantastic.

There is actually so much more depth to the mechanics here than a simple cyoa story. With the random encounters I don't know how many I've missed. Between that and pursuing a different advice to the princess there are a lot of reasons to replay this game.

Also, the music fits the old school adventure games the art is based on super well.

My only trouble is that at the tail end of my first playthrough I got a crash and I can't avoid this predetermined moment so I am going to have to play through again. Also at some point my encounters with Maria returned purely to the first scene's handholding, though I don't know if that's a bug or part of the mechanics that I wasn't doing a good job with.

Despite that I definitely recommend checking this game out, with the writing and characters and art and plots. A lot of work has gone into this. I'm truly shocked such a long game is free.

Though fyi to anyone looking for a quickie this one is a slowburn. But entirely worth.

@developer, would you like an image of the unity crash report I got? Is that helpful?

I'm glad you're enjoying it. In general, most crashes you get can be skipped past by clicking "ignore" in the bottom left. They're usually just small formatting issues and Renpy is being dramatic. Sending over a screenshot of the traceback is always helpful.

(1 edit)

Ahhhhh, good to know, thankyou! I thought I tried clicking that and it closed, but I probably hit quit.

Rip, I started again already, but I did save a screenshot in case it might help. Thankyou again for the game! It's fantastic! This must've taken so much work in both design and content.