For not getting to spend as much time as you would have liked, I think this is a great entry! Well done.
I think the biggest drawback here is just the RTS style controls required to execute this. It was weird and fumbling trying to reposition dice to enemies, especially when you got really big knockbacks. It would have been nice to see this on a single screen, but it might have been a little too small or cramped.
With that out of the way - I loved my time with this game. Your pixel art style is still charming (Bungee Buds was a fav for me last year) and the core design here is solid. It's especially satisfying to get a good pierce die through a big wave. This game also avoids a lot of the "dice are random so here's something random" problems this jam in that it gives you options to respond to the randomness. Do you want to keep dpsing this wave or save that 1 for more dice down the road? Satisfying choices..
Congrats on finishing your game! Keep making cool stuff!