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This is fantastic! Incredible that this was made in 48 hours, I loved playing this. A few notes from what I played:

-Mostly free of bugs, however once starting put me in an entirely dark green room and could not exit, and one room the exit didn't show up.

-rolling a new gun can give you the same gun you already have, which isn't great.

-The number you get at the end of a run isn't clear what it means.

-The number shown on the dice projectile does not indicate how much damage you will deal, which is mildly disappointing, although expected from the time constraint.

These are the thing I noticed while playing, and I hope you can use this to better improve your game. 

Hey man, thanks for taking the time and playing! 

Completely agree with you on the getting the same gun thing, it sucks! Haha yeah the number at the end is a bit naff a proper end screen is something Id be keen to work on. I did try the whole number on the dice-bullets thing, I was on the fence about it myself. Tried it and they traveled that fast you couldn't really tell couldn't think of a work around in time ha!

Thanks again for all your feedback, noted all the new points down and will look into sorting it!