What an amazing soundtrack you made. Beautiful sound design and great auditory storytelling.
The opening track is already sets the stage for an amazing journey. From the intimate piano with apprehensive feeling at the start to a great crescendo that made me not only realize that something unusual was going to happen, but really feel it. Amazing.
The seaside watchers really invoked the sea. I like how the synth here feels like it's rolling in in waves, just like the ocean is. Again, great storytelling. Once again, the tune rolls into a peak that feels like it refers back to the crescendo in the opening. Is that the anomaly?
It writhes sounds exactly as advertised on the box. I can just hear that pad sound writhe like it's either under, or, exerting some immense pressure. Also really nice how the arp at the start rolls into that kick. That was a goosebumps moment for me. And at the end, again ... it feels like there's the anomaly again. Amazing storytelling in these.
They touch the skies sounds like a pivotal story moment. Like, it starts fairly mellow, but then suddenly becomes quite ominous.
Plains To Cross seems relaxing. It indeed sounds like the world is shattered. I like how this is punctuated by the strongly modulated sounds.
I Saw Him In A Nightmare feels like this nightmare is being transmitted to me through a television set, or some sort of radio device. Some really cool sound design in here with all the electronic and water-y sounds. Also that sub is very unsettling.
... from the music it seems like it was not a happy ending? ;_;
Cool cover art too.
Stellar submission. My favorite track was probably It Writhes, because of that feeling of sounds under pressure and that dark detuned arp. They Touch The Skies is a close second for me.